Program on java functional testing

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13820079

Java functional testing

A. Java/C++/C#/C

//ASSUMPTION: the array input is sorted. Ex: int[] input={1,3,4} or int[]={2,3,3,4,5,5,5,6}, etc.

public class MyArrayProcessing {

public static int[] whatAmIdoing(int[] input){

int j = 0;
int i = 1;

if(input.length < 2){
return input;
while(i < input.length){
if(input[i] == input[j]){
input[++j] = input[i++];
int[] output = new int[j+1];
for(int k=0; k<output.length; k++){
output[k] = input[k];

return output;

1. Q: What is the "whatAmIdoing" method doing (input is assumed to be sorted)?

2. Q: How would you test "whatAmIDoing?" What specific functional test cases would you try?

3. Q: Implement 2 test cases from 2) in the language/scripting of your choice.

B. Java/C++/C#/C

//The reverseList method reverses a singly linked list of Node(s). For example: head -> 1 -> 5 -> 3 -> null
// should become head -> 3 -> 5 -> 1 -> null. But reverseList has a defect, and does not reverse a list properly.

public class Node{
public int data;
public Node next;
public Node(int data, Node next){ = data; = next;

public class MyReverseList {
public Node reverseList (Node head)
if (head == NULL || == NULL)

Node Scnd =;
Node Thrd =; = head; = NULL;

if (Thrd == NULL)

Node Crrnt = Thrd;
Node Prvus = Scnd;

while (Crrnt != NULL)
Node Next =; = Prvus;
Prvus = Crrnt;
Crrnt = Next;

1. Q: Please correct the defect in reverseList so it reverses a linked-list correctly.

2. Q: How would you test reverseList? What specific functional test cases would you try?

3. Q: Implement 2 test cases from 2) in the language/scripting of your choice.

Reference no: EM13820079

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