Program meeting the least program requirements

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1332786

A Visual Basic.NET program meeting the minimum program requirements indicated in the assignment description. This will be the group deliverable.

Incorporate ADO.NET access to at least three Microsoft Access data tables. These tables should include Customers, Products (the kinds of products offered, cost, sales price, and quantity on hand), and Sales information (a combination of customer and product with a date and other pertinent information).

Use at least three user input forms that allow the user to add, edit, and delete records in the database. The sales screen should allow you to select a customer and a product from a dropdown list box.

One screen should allow the user to see a list of all products sold to a specific customer, sorted by date. The customer that the data is displayed for should be selectable from a list box. Consider this to be a report screen.

Include Structured Error Handling in appropriate places in the program.

Create a nice, intuitive user interface with a full menu structure.

Add a form that includes the RichTextBox control and several predefined template letters. This part of the program would be used to write letters to your customers when there is a specific issue you would like to address with them, so use your imagination here.

Be sure to document the programming, designs, the preliminary specifications, and system requirements. This documentation should be in the form of an MS Word document and additional comments in the source code.
Please add your file.

Individual portion of the project

Write a summary for the project that includes the following minimum points.

The summary should be 2-3 pages, well-formatted, and 12-point font in MS Word format.

The summary should be prepared individually. Absolutely no sharing among team members.

The summary should address the following:

a description of the general design and operation of the program

a summary of what you learned, technically, from your participation in the project

a self-assessment of your contribution and participation in the project

a short evaluation of the contribution and participation of the other team members

Please add your file.

Additional Notes

Name your project and set the title of your form (the Text property of the main form) to ITP400_GP_<your group letter>.

Make sure you address all the requirements.

Be sure to include good comments in your code.

Name your objects, variables, functions, and others with appropriate and consistent names.

Your form(s) should be designed attractively and consistently.

Zip all your project files together

Reference no: EM1332786

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