Program - keep track of both a cd and a dvd collection

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132175025

Assignment 1

Using the binary tree.

Create a class called Date. The class will have the following data members
- day as integer
- month as integer
- year as integer
Methods needed
- Accessors and mutators
- Able to print date in the format January 1, 2018

Create a class called Person. This class will have the following data members (protected)
- name as string
- address as string
- city as string
- state as string
- phone as string
It will have accessor and mutators for the data members.

Create a class called EmployeeInfo which inherits from the Person class. This class will have the following data members (private).
- id as integer
- hireDate as Date (first class listed)
- empInfo as Person

It will have accessor and mutators for the data members

Main should show that all the methods in the binary tree work with the EmployeeInfo class. Show that all methods work. Allow the program to prompt the user for an ID to search for. If the ID is found then all the information about the employee should be displayed (All data in EmployeeInfo, Person and Date). If employee is not found display a message telling the user that the person does not exist.

Program should continue until the user indicates they are done.

All classes should be in their own files (both h and cpp). Not all implementation in the header file.

Add at least 10 employees to the tree. You do not need to ask the user for the information.

Add all needed operators to allow the program to work. The binary tree should not be changed so that it directly knows about the employee info class.

Assignment 2

This program will allow the user to keep track of both a CD and a DVD collection. The program needs to work for both CDs and DVDs. There should be a base class that maintains the common information between a CD and a DVD. Each CD/DVD in the collection will be represented as a class, so you will have one class that will be a CD and another that will be a DVD. The program will then have a base class called Media. Both the CD and DVD classes will inherit from the same base class.

The base class will have one data member that will hold the CD Name or Movie Title and another data member for the length of the total CD or the length of the movie.

The CD class will use a linked list to keep track of the titles of the songs on the CD; this will allow each CD to have a different number of songs. It should also maintain the length of each song; thus, the class will use a structure which will have the song title and its length. Each song will be an instance of this structure and will be stored in the linked list. The class will also have a data member for the artist name.

The DVD class will have data members for the year the movie was released. The class will have a linked list for storage of the name of the actors and actresses in the movie. The class will also maintain the character names that the actors/actresses played in the movie. The actors/actresses and characters information will be stored in a structure which will be stored in the linked list.

The program will then maintain two lists, one for the CDs and another for DVDs. The program will use linked lists to maintain the two different lists. The program must provide methods (functions) to add a CD/DVD, remove a CD/DVD and update a CD/DVD. There should also be a function that displays the entire list of CDs/DVDs. The output must be a table format, with heading.

NOTE: There must be only one linked list class (template) that will be used for each of the lists needed in this program. Derived classes of the linked list can be added to expend the functionality of the linked list to be specific for each class.
- Movie Title
- Length of Movie
- Year Released
- Actors/Actresses
- Characters

NOTE: The movie title, length of movie and year released should only appear once while the actors/actresses and characters will have several lines. So the other columns must be displayed with blanks.
- Artist
- CD Name
- Length of CD
- Song Title
- Song Length

NOTE: The artist name, CD name and length of CD should only appear once while the song title and length will have several lines. So the other columns must be displayed with blanks.

Verified Expert

In this assignment we have create the application for employee management with C++ programming.In this assignment I have used VC++ visual studio to create application.I have also create application for the CD/DVD Collection.Here I have used object oriented programming and used concept like inheritance for reuse the code.

Reference no: EM132175025

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