Program for a computer dating service

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13897500

Your assignment is to write a program for a computer dating service. Each client gives you his or her name, phone number, and a list of interests. It is your job to maintain lists of men and women using the service and to match up the compatible couples. You will find more details about the assignment, including the inputs, outputs, and deliverables in the course environment.


Data about current clients should be on file "". For each current client, the file contains the following information:

Sex 1                       character, 'M' or 'F'
Name                        up to 20 characters, followed by comma
Phone Number            8 characters
Number of Interests    an integer
List of Interests         10 characters each separated by commas with a period after the final interest.
Match                      up to 20 characters, followed by end-of-line.

From the keyboard: The user may enter on of the following commands.


Echo print all screen input and output on file "Dates.out."


Add the client to the appropriate list by storing the appropriate information. Attempt to match this new client with a member of the opposite sex. A match occurs when the clients have three or more of the same interests. (You only have to find the first match for each new client.) Make sure you then designate both persons as matched, as described in the section on data structures above. Print the name of the new client, the name of his or her match, and both phone numbers. If no match is found, print an appropriate message.

Unmatch this name with his or her current match by removing <name> from the matched person.

Print a list of all matched pairs.

Print the names and phone numbers of clients who are not currently matched.
Stop processing


Echo print all screen input and output on file "Dates.out."

Data Structures

The problem requires you to maintain two lists of clients, one for men and one for women. When a new client is added to the list, he or she is added to the end of the appropriate list.

Each list element must include all the information for one client: name, phone number, number of interests (maximum number is 10), interests, and the name of this client's current match (empty string if not matched).

Reference no: EM13897500

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