Program development cycle for algorithm using pseudocode

Assignment Help Data Structure & Algorithms
Reference no: EM1368159

Show all your work. Use the modular approach to solving this problem. Provide the following submodule. Calculations - module to compute the gross pay.

Using the Program Development Cycle, develop an algorithm using pseudocode for the following task. The algorithm should be developed in 5 phases. Thoroughly analyze this task and provide all the information for each phase (Description, Test Plan, Pseudocode, Execute, Answer). Provide input and output variable names as well as internal documentation. Internal documentation are basically comments.

Reference no: EM1368159

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Program development cycle for algorithm using pseudocode : Illustrate all your work. Use modular approach to solving this problem. Give the following submodule. Calculations - module to compute gross pay. Using the Program Development Cycle, develop an algorithm using pseudocode for the following task.
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