Program designs used in developing java applications

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13844453

• Demonstrate an understanding of Object-Oriented Programming concepts in Java.

• Gain practical skills in Graphical User Interface (GUI) programming by implementing an event-driven interface.

• Develop and test stand alone Java applications.

• Evaluate algorithm, data structure and program designs used in developing Java applications.
Assessment Task

Specification for the Queensland Children Allergy Information System


For the second assignment, you will develop a windowed application to assist the research staff of a medical centre to maintain and manage a list of personal data related to Queensland children with allergies.

Overview of the application

In a real-world software application, you would ideally use a database to store patient information. In this application however, you will use a text file to store relevant information. For simplicity, only 5 attributes of a patient will be stored: patient name, telephone, age, gender and allergy source. The  system allows the data entry in such way that the patient can have the same name but different phone
number. If this occurs, they will be treated as different data entries.

In a typical session of the application, the patient data file will be loaded from the disk and displayed. The research staff then can view, sort, search, as well as add/delete data entry. The added information can be saved back to the data file. This application will provide a comprehensive exercise in text file processing, sorting, searching, and using data structures. As well, you will create a new GUI with
various components.

Attachment:- 1283761_2_oops-specification2.3.pdf

Attachment:- 1283761_3_oops2.2.pdf

Reference no: EM13844453

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