Program-compute monthly interest-print next balance for sav

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Reference no: EM1388417

Design class saving account .use static variable annual interest rate to store annual interest rate for all account holders. Each object of this class comprises private instance variable saving balance indicating amount saver currently has on deposit. private method compute monthly interest by multiplying saving balance by annual interest rate divided by 12. This interest must be added to saving balance give static method modify interest rate which sets annual interest to next value. Write down the program in c++ to test class saving account. Instantiate two saving account object saver1 and saver 2 with balance of $2000 and $3000 respectively. Set annual interest rate to 4% then compute monthly interest and print next balance for both savers. Then set annual interest rate 5%. Compute next month interest and print next balance for both savers.

Reference no: EM1388417

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