Program accepts a path to a directory

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131030604

Run these commands to get the assignment:

cd ~/unix
cp ~parson/unix/ unzip
cd ./shell3_2016

Read the README.txt file for all of your instructions and follow them.
Turn it in via make turnitin to avoid the 10% per-late-day penalty.


# -- D. Parson solution to assignment 3, CSC 352 Unix
# Spring 2016. This program accepts a path to a DIRECTORY as its first
# command line argument, followed by one or more string PATTERNs
# as the remaining command line arguments.
# It must verify that it has at least 2 initial command line arguments
# (the DIRECTORY and at least one PATTERN), and that the DIRECTORY is
# in fact a directory. If any of these conditions fails, report an error
# TO STANDARD ERROR and exits the script with an exit status of 1.
# Otherwise proceed:
# For each string pattern, it calls a shell function search() which
# you must write, that does the following:

# search() -- accept the DIRECTORY and current PATTERN as function arguments.
# You can pass any additional arguments that you decide are necessary.
# Find all of the *regular files* within and below the DIRECTORY
# For each of those regular files
# Run the file command and egrep for the pattern.
# If the output from the file command satisfies the
# egrep pattern, then:
# Add 1 to a counter for the number of file types matching PATTERN.
# Accumulate the number of lines in the file itself
# in a variable. Do NOT accumulate the number of lines
# written by the file command, which is always 1.
# Accumulate the number of lines in the file.
# Accumulate the number of words in the file itself in a
# different variable.
# Accumulate the number of characters in the file itself in a
# third variable.
# The search() function returns these four counters to the main
# shell code that calls the function.
# The main code must print the results in a format in the
# EXACT format of my .ref reference files, with NO EXTRA OR
# MISSING CHARACTERS. You will lose a minimum of 10 points for any
# formatting diffs, because these defeat the ability to run automated
# tests. The EXACT format of your output statement lines must be:
# PATTERN NF files, NL lines, NW words, NC chars

# Do not print the leading "# " above; PATTERN is the
# actual pattern being checked; NF is the integer number of files
# matching the pattern; NL is the integer numbers of lines,
# NW is the number of words, and NC is the number of characters,
# each separated by exact one space, with no trailing spaces.
# Consult my reference file AdvDataStructures.ref to see the format.
# My "make test" runs your shell script against ~parson/AdvDataStructures
# for automated testing. It also does some test runs for error conditions.
# Here are 2 examples of using the file and egrep command together:
# file * | egrep directory > /dev/null ; echo $?
# 0
# file * | egrep hamburger > /dev/null ; echo $?
# 1
# In the first example, the output from the file command did
# contain one or more lines with the PATTERN "directory", so
# egrep succeeded with an exit status of 0; the egrep command above
# discards the actual lines of text because we don't need those.
# In the second example, the pattern did not match, hence the
# egrep exit status that is non-0. Note that you will be checking
# only *regular files* under DIRECTORY found using the find command,
# not "file *".
# You can use last year's in ~parson/unix/
# as a temp[late for writing your search() function.
# This assignment is due via "make turnitin" by end of April 16.
# After reporting one PATTERN's results, the main code loops to the next
# PATTERN (if any) and calls search() again, until it has run through
# all PATTERNs on its command line. It then terminates with an exit
# status of 0.
# NOTE: In addition to using && and || to connect tests in a shell
# script, you can use ! with the [ ] brackets to invert the test.
# Examples:
# [ -f .. ] ; echo $?
# 1
# [ ! -f .. ] ; echo $?
# 0

Reference no: EM131030604

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