Program 2 classes one called student one called grades

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13354827

2 classes one called Student, one called Grades Functional Requirements: Ask for how many students u need to enter the program must: prompt the user to enter the name in the form last name, first name,

i.e. Doe, John switch the name to first name last name,
i.e. John Doe prompt the user for grades, (a program and exam grade are sufficient) after getting the name and grades of all the students, print out on a single line for each student the name and grades print out the class average.

Program Specifications: In the new implementation, the two classes, Student and Grades, are defined with the following operations/methods.

public class Student - Defines a student with a full name and a complete set of grades.
public void setup() - Sets all attributes of the student (name and grades).
private void setName() - Sets the name of the student.
private void setGrades() - Sets all the grades for the student.
public void display() - Displays the complete information on the student.
public double overallGrade() - Returns the overall grade of the student. public class Grades - Defines a complete set of grades received by a student.
public void setup() - Sets the complete set of grades
public void display() - Displays the complete set of grades
public double average() - Returns the average of the complete set of grades (i.e., it returns a number between 0.0 and 100.0). In either class, the setup method will initialize an object of that class. To follow our problem decomposition paradigm, the initialization of a student will consist of the initialization of his/her name and of his/her grades.

 For that purpose, we have introduced in the Student class two methods for these two basic actions, setName and setGrades. The setGrades method has very little to do directly, but defer to the Grades class's setup method. The setName method, on the other hand, will prompt and initialize the full name of a student.

Reference no: EM13354827

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