Profit banking industry is part of the reason

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131901541

  1. One candidate, Mr. Jones, has a plan he says will push growth back to its previous level. His plan has 4 pillars. A summary of his plan and the four pillars is below:Massive public capital projects:Mr. Jones plans to massively expand UFR's public physical capital. He plans on building additional highways, airports, and sea port, as well as additional power plants, and water treatment plants.
  2. Limit foreign trade with emerging economies:There are some nations in the world growing much faster that UFR and Mr. Jones says the growth of these nations is a threat to UFR's standard of living; and that their growth is taking away from UFR's growth. To protect UFR's standard of living he will limit the exports going to those countries and limit imports coming in from those countries.
  3. Reduce the length of patents:Mr. Jones says patents are giving firms too much monopoly power. Currently the patent law in UFR gives the patent holder exclusive selling rights for 20 years. He wants to reduce that to only 5 years.
  4. Nationalization of banking:Mr. Jones vows to institute a new banking system; one that is completely controlled by the government. He says the greed of the private, for profit banking industry is part of the reason the growth has slowed.

For this essay you are to evaluate Presidential candidate Mr Jones' plan to increase the economic growth rate. For each pillar/element of Mr. Jones plan, explain why it will or will not help increase the growth rate of GDP per capita and improve the standard of living in the country.

Reference no: EM131901541

Questions Cloud

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Explain what is meant by a business cycle : 1) Explain what is meant by a business cycle. 2) Describe the four phases of an idealized business cycle.
Profit banking industry is part of the reason : He says the greed of the private, for profit banking industry is part of the reason the growth has slowed.
Evaluate strengths and limitations of bls unemployment : 1. Evaluate strengths and limitations of BLS unemployment statistics.
Develop a complete business case for an idea : Develop a complete business case for an idea. This may be a real example from your work environment or a fictional example from anywhere you choose.
Understanding of the federal budget : Based on your understanding of the federal budget from the assigned reading and any other sources you select, explain how the federal budget
Explain the significance of the selected category : Describe the selected content and explain the significance of the selected category across all of the religions studied. Show in what ways the category.


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