Profile for effectiveness in international business arena

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Reference no: EM132303986

What is cultural competence? Please evaluate and reflect upon your current level of CQ by developing and posting three or four in-depth paragraphs that address the following.

1. Taken together, what do the readings, websites, videos, and personal experience suggest are the KSAOs (knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics) that comprise cultural competence? Please be specific in listing and describing the KSAOs. Given this set of KSAOs, please describe your global competency profile. In other words: Where are your strengths, and where are your areas of development?

2. What are the implications of this profile for effectiveness in the international business arena?

3. As a final step, please develop at least one specific, actionable, measurable professional development goal to strengthen your cultural competence. You may write a goal to capitalize on an area of strength, or you may write a goal to build an entirely new skill. The overriding point is to craft a goal that you could reasonably be expected to implement and that would benefit your career development. Please be sure to explain how you will attain your goal.

Reference no: EM132303986

Questions Cloud

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