Professionalism-attitude and time management

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133598166

Provide details on professionalism, attitude and time management


Kelsey is a Medical Assisting Student completing her externship at a local clinic. Kelsey has completed 200 of her required 240 hours externship hours. Most of the time she has spent at the clinical site, Kelsey has been rooming patients, and feels she has enough experience with this particular skill. When asked to room another patient, Kelsey declines the request, and tells her preceptor, "You can room that patient. I have had enough training rooming patients."

Reference no: EM133598166

Questions Cloud

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Professionalism-attitude and time management : Kelsey is a Medical Assisting Student completing her externship at a local clinic. Kelsey has completed 200 of her required 240 hours externship hours.
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