Professional way to inform jennifer ramirez

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133293299


As a vice president of the financial services company Greenlight Financial, you serve many clients, and they sometimes ask your company to contribute to their favorite charities. You recently received a letter from Jennifer Ramirez asking for a substantial contribution to the National Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Association. On visits to your office, she has told you about its programs to recruit, train, and support volunteers in their work with abused children. She is active in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex as a CASA volunteer, helping neglected children find safe, permanent homes. She told you that children with CASA volunteers are more likely to be adopted and less likely to reenter the child welfare system.

You have a soft spot in your heart for children and especially for those who are mistreated. You sincerely want to support CASA and its good work. However, times are tough, and you can't be as generous as you have been in the past. Ms. Ramirez wrote a special letter to you asking you or your company to become a key contributor, with a pledge of $2,500.


Write business letter that maintains good relations with your client, Jennifer Ramirez. Address it to Ms. Jennifer Ramirez, 4382 Swiss Avenue, Dallas, TX 75214.

Find a tactful, professional way to inform Jennifer Ramirez that you or your company can't be a key contributor this year.

Decide whether to use a direct or indirect approach.

Present clear, pertinent facts using the information available in the case. You may make up logical, necessary information.

Write clearly, concisely, and professionally.

Evaluate your letter using the negative news checklist (PDF) Download negative news checklist (PDF) before submitting it. Be sure to proofread your letter to avoid spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors.

Reference no: EM133293299

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