Products that meet present needs without compromising

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132173951

The textbook defines sustainable products as “products that meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”. Sustainability is becoming increasing more important and driving retail companies to implement cleaver ways to (1) reduce packaging waste and (2) lightening packaging weight. Some companies are designing packaging that are close-looped in that the packing material can be used for reverse logistics shipments (i.e. toner cartridges). Select, research a company and report on what they are doing to achieve sustainable packaging. Write a brief abstract (1/2 page) on your findings.

Reference no: EM132173951

Questions Cloud

Service category with two dominant brands : Pick a product/service category with two dominant brands.Who are their target markets? What are their main points of parity and points of difference?
Review problem regarding business : In the world of business there are regulations to help a business succeed. Inevitably, there is also frauds that can take place and there are examples.
Wells contracted with the state to erect building : Wells contracted with the state to erect a building according to the state's specifications and to lease it to the state.
Benefited from revolutions in standard warehouse design : In the last several years, air cargo facilities have benefited from the revolutions in standard warehouse design.
Products that meet present needs without compromising : The textbook defines sustainable products as “products that meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs”
Packaging-environment-corporate social responsibility : Describe the relationship between packaging, the environment, corporate social responsibility, and logistics.
Create a feasibility study for harley-davidson : Differentiation Strategies: The analysis of current strategy and competitor analysis you conducted last module impressed the senior vice president.
Create equitable environment for all employees : Why should an employer create an equitable environment for all employees?
Personality assessment as part of application process : You are applying for the job of sales associate. You have just found out that you will be given a personality assessment as part of the application process.


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