Product adoption article

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132806244

Product Adoption Article

Find an article that relates to Product Adoption. After reading the article, discuss your findings in terms of why marketers need this information to support their goal(s) of selling the product.Please be sure to include references and a link to the article. Minimum 200 words

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The primary objective of the paper is to select a product adoption article and demonstrate the information that marketers should use for selling the product on their chosen operating markets. For this task an article is selected that illustrates the influence of social media and eWOM on consumer behaviors. The findings of the article help the marketers to collect proper information regarding the role of social media so that they can sell their product online and easily enhance their sales rate. The information of consumers' needs has also been collected by the marketers before launching the product on their operating markets online and offline. The information is demonstrated properly as per the findings so that the reader can understand the primary theme of the chosen article.

Reference no: EM132806244

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