Reference no: EM133257300 , Length: 2000 Words
Inquiry Project - Inquiry Based Learning
Learning outcome 1: Collect, select and use information from a range of sources using different methods, appropriate to the academic discipline and context.
Learning outcome 2: Investigate the needs, problems and opportunities of a given situation.
Learning outcome 3: Plan and undertake a project to address a subject-related problem or answer a subject-related question
Learning outcome 4: Communicate effectively, with well-structured verbal and written reports, as demanded in academic and professional domains.
Assignment task
In this assignment, you will undertake an inquiry-based project on a topic related to your subject area and produce a project report.
The nature and topic of your project will be negotiated with your supervisor. Depending upon your subject area, your project may take one of three forms:
A. Conducting and reporting on a piece of academic or profession-related research
B. Producing an artefact and reporting on how and why you made it
C. Creating a performance and reporting on how and why you created it
Details of the expectations for each type of project will be shared with you by your module tutor and supervisor.
It is expected that the report (including any other requirements, such as the production of an artefact or creation of a performance) will be around 2000 words (or equivalent).
You will be expected to devote substantial time to completing this project independently, in addition to any scheduled teaching in the module.
Whichever form your project takes, you are expected to meet the following milestones (key actions and dates you need to achieve as part of the process). Precise dates will be agreed with your module tutor and supervisor:
1. Submit a plan for your project for approval and formative feedback from your supervisor (by the 16th November, 2022).
2. Provide a progress update on your project by (14th December 2022)
3. Deliver the project report (and artefact or performance, if required) (on the 31st of January 2023).
Referencing: eference your work according to the Harvard guidelines
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Producing an artefact and reporting on how and why you made
: FY028 Inquiry Based Learning - Mont Rose College - Plan and undertake a project to address a subject-related problem or answer a subject-related question
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