Reference no: EM133776995 , Length: word count:2300
Learning Outcome 1: Justify development strategies which aim to ensure that the organisation has the supply of talent to meet strategic objectives.
Learning Outcome 2: Produce a talent management action plan based on the analysis of an organisational level problem or opportunity and justify the plan considering its ethical and social consequences.
Assessment Rationale
Following on from Assessment 1, this task requires you to propose techniques to develop talent pipeline strategies for your chosen real-life organisation. Then, propose and justify THREE to FIVE strategies and techniques that will be deployed to ensure the retention and performance of talent.
Your proposals should be tailored to the specific needs and context of the identified talent and your chosen organisation, demonstrating a deep understanding of both the company and contemporary talent management practices.
This task simulates the high-level practice of a professional recruiter, talent management consultant and/or HR business partner. As part of the task, you will develop a highly-nuanced and targeted plan that will assist an organisation in advancing its competitive position, and/or its effectiveness and efficiency. By completing this assessment, you are honing skills that will elevate your professional practice, enabling you to make meaningful contributions to employers that you work with, and your future career prospects.
A talent management plan is a strategic document that can assist organisations with a framework to articulate how it will source talent(s); and, how it will ensure that talent(s) will be retained and perform so as to generate maximum value for all parties.
You will propose a talent management plan for the organisation, and corresponding talent(s), that you identified in the previous assessment.
Your talent management plan will be structured as follows:
• Executive summary (approximately 150-200 words)
• Introduction to the case organisation including its strategies (brief - less than 100-150 words) e.g., name, location, industry, size, strategies.
• Listing of the ONE to TWO roles identified as talent in Assessment 1 - there is no need to re-justify these (50 words or less).
• Talent Pool Development (approximately 1200 words)
1. Propose and justify a set of highly targeted and specific recruitment/selection strategies that will effectively and efficiently source the identified talent (person/position), if the person/position were to resign.
2. Propose and justify a set of specific training and/or development plans for the identified talent.
• Retention and performance strategies (approximately 600 words)
o Detail and justify three to five (3-5) targeted and specific strategies to be included as part of the employee value proposition/benefit package (EVP). This may range from things such as access to training opportunities, flexible working options, renumeration considerations, and tangible workplace culture, climate and management techniques that will be conducive to ongoing performance and retention. Ultimately, your benefits package should align with the strategic goals of your selected organisation, and you should discuss and detail this alignment.
• Conclude your report (approximately 200 words). As part of your conclusion, articulate why your talent management plan offers the most ethically and economically robust way for the organisation to create value through its talent.
You may develop or integrate appropriate graphics or visual cues as part of your report. It should be of a standard that you would be satisfied to submit your report to the case organisation, and they could, with relative ease, implement your ideas (if they considered them valuable).
You should use at least TEN scholarly (peer-reviewed) academic sources, published in the last FIVE years, to justify your plan. Additionally, seminal scholarly sources such as Collings and Mellahi's 2009 paper reviewing Talent Management concepts may be cited throughout. Scholarly articles will be particularly useful in justifying your proposed employee benefit/value proposition strategies.
Word limit: 2300 words (+/- 10%), excluding executive summary, table of contents, cover page, tables, figures, and references.