Reference no: EM132894115
CSYM015 Intelligent Systems - University of Northampton
To produce a meaningful theoretical and practical driven solution for potential or actual AI problem, which show the necessary understanding of the elements, concepts, methods and tools used in the proposed solution.
We are seeking innovative suggestions for interactive AI driven solution for a real-life problem of your choice that aim at providing a societal value and support during the COVID-19 period. The scope is open and can relate to any application you can envision for providing societal value and support to community during the pandemic. The final product should be submitted as a paper (academic report) on the potential or actual AI solution/application within the concept of COVID-19 and managing it's impact on real-life. You should use one or more of the following AI techniques only:
- Intelligent Agents
- Search Algorithms and Heuristics
- Rule-based expert systems
- Fuzzy expert systems
- Evolutionary computation (Genetic algorithms)
- Machine Learning (Traditional ML, Artificial neural networks, Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Learning)
- Natural Language Processing (Chatbots/ Speechbots/ Virtual Assistants/ Text Classification/ Topic discovery and modeling/ Sentiment Analysis)
Some ideas that you could think about:
- A routing algorithm using search techniques (e.g. BFS, DFS or A*) to provide COVID vaccine distribution system. - Similar to travelling salesman problem.
- A rule based expert system to detect COVID infection based on the data provided on the NHS website.
- Predicting the global stock market during COVID.
- Predicting or elevating poverty during COVID;
- Elevating the impact of job losses and support for job seeking during COVID (e.g., matching job seekers with job providers);
- Support for those who are self-isolating during COVID (e.g. dedicated delivery service; emotional support etc.). ;
- Virtual international advice chatbot for COVID;
- AI driven solutions and and ideas for test and trace.
You have to deal with ONLY ONE focused topic. The possibilities are endless, and we are flexible. Your AI solution may also aim at educating and engaging with the concerned individuals and/or public. We are open to creative, novel ideas and useful applications of societal change and positive social, economic, business and health impact. We hope that your innovative solution will help us showcase the University of Northampton as a cuttingedge institution in the use of AI and/or emerging technologies.
What do you need to do?
1) Development: As part of the work, you are expected to develop a small piece of software/system/model that links the problem of COVID19 to one or more AI techniques stated above. Your focus is not on COVID19, but how the specified techniques can be used to tackle a real-life problem that is impacted by COVID19 . It is also not really about great programming but more about you coming up with a solution to a problem using AI techniques and producing a good justification. The full code will be handed in for the assignment and extracts of code can be used within the report to highlight/reflect important points. No demonstration will be required as standard, but the tutor reserves the right to see a demonstration of the solution if they need to for marking purposes.
You are allowed to use the code you have found as long as it is clearly referenced inside the text and it does not belong to another student. Remember, your role is to reflect on, investigate, evaluate, and properly compare the developed AI solution with other AI solutions but not necessarily to develop the actual solution yourself.
2) Report (Paper): This is an academic style report (paper) and should be 4000 words in length, this total does not include code, tables, reference list and figures. In your paper, one or more of the techniques specified, used within an aspect of intelligent system is discussed. You need to discuss how AI is being used to tackle COVID19 problems. Please note the actual software build, on its own, only accounts for approx. 20% of the marks; analysis of the results, comparisons between techniques are where more of the marks are available. Your paper should discuss the advantages and disadvantages of these techniques based on the evidence. Also, summary of appropriate literature should be produced. Your report is expected to include the following (please use the headings Introduction, Background, Solution & Discussion, Conclusions; References):
§ Introduction oIntroduction to the problem and the report with any necessary references.
§ Background
o An explanation of any theory, background research and references that are need for the reader to understand the problem
o Relevant background on COVID19 and AI to your problem with any necessary references.
o Introduction and Background could be combined into one section if you feel it is appropriate.
§ Solution & Discussion oThe software is a requirement and should be used to demonstrate your argument. Therefore, the testing/evaluation included should clearly support your argument as well.
o Reference any sources
o Show evaluation of the system relevant to your argument - so testing it to show its relevance to the topic and any comparisons you can justifiably make.
o Discuss and present the outcome of your solution
§ Conclusions oA summary of what you havefound from both literature and any experimentation you may have done
o A set of conclusions (justified by literature and experimental evidence) that you drew from the work and should include your opinion, ideally with the necessary supporting evidence:
§ References.
o Remember Harvard Referencing only
o Any sources including those for code, images and references sources used must be referenced.
3)Virtual Demo & Presentation (Recorded Video):
You should submit 5 minutes recorded video. In this video you should demonstrate the development part of your solution. In your video you should focus your attention on the main problem and how you have managed to address it via the solution (code). You should consider adding titles or other annotations to your video to help the viewer understand what is happening. Starting you video with PowerPoint presentation is an accessible way of making videos of this kind. A simple 5-minute recording of the code in operation will receive the lowest possible score for this item. You should upload your video to a private YouTube link and submit a working shared link in a text file. It's your responsibility to make sure that the shared link is working correctly without any technical issues. You MUST test your YouTube link and make sure it's working appropriate as it is meant to be. If you submit a non-working link, you will receive ZERO marks for your demo part. Besides, tutor reserves the right to see a live face to face demonstration of the solution if they need to for marking purposes.
The assignment should ONLY be submitted through the appropriate Turnitin link for this assignment on NILE. Please do not submit the assignment to the Student Assessment Office or send it to me by email. Your submission should include three files: 1)The report (paper) document as a WORD file.
2) Your code as a ZIP file. You should include one A4 page instruction about how to run the code.
Attachment:- Intelligent systems.rar