Produce different final database state than using trigger

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM1360147

Consider the simple relation Employee(ID, salary) storing the employee Ids and salaries, where ID is a key. Consider the following two triggers over this relation:

create trigger T1
after insert on Employee
referencing new as New_Emp
update Employee
set salary = 1.1 * (select max(salary) from Employee)
where ID = New_Emp.ID
for each row

create trigger T2
after insert on Employee
referencing newtable as New_Emp
update Employee
set salary = 1.1 * (select max(salary) from Employee)
where ID in (select ID from New_Emp)
for each statement

Assume that relation Employee has no tuples in it initially. You are to show the simplest example you can think of where using trigger T1 will produce a different final database state than using trigger T2.

Reference no: EM1360147

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