Produce a string - organizing the layout of each panel

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM131596834

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In this assignment class Student encapsulates the student information relevant for universities admission: student name (just the family name), highschool average and 3 universities chosen.

The admission is based on the highschool average according to the following table:


Highschool average for admission





















Based on this table a method of Student should decide the admission and the method toString() should produce a String as in the following example:

Smith, , York-admitted, McGill-rejected, UofT- rejected

Class ApplicationCentre extends JApplet. At the top of the file introduce as a comment your name and student number. In this applet you have to use as a starting point which is part of the Java Programs files associated with Lecture 6. This program was used to introduce the CardLayout management.

The Main Screen has on the left hand side 3 buttons presented in a column. These buttons have the labels: Input, DisplayAll, DisplayOne. The user will click on these buttons to change the panels displayed in the right hand side of the screen (using the CardDeck layout manager). The followings are the description of the right panels (the "cards"). Note that you have some flexibility in organizing the layout of each panel.

The Input panel, uses labels to prompt the user and four textfields to enter the student name, the highschool average mark. This panel also contains a JList object containing the following 10 Canadian universities: Toronto, York, Western, Brock, Guelph, Waterloo, McGill, Concordia, Laval and Macmaster. From that list the user will select 3 universities. A Button labeled "Submit" displayed at the bottom of the panel allows the user to enter the input data coming from textfields and JList object into an array with maximum 100 Student objects. Do not forget to erase the content of the textfields when the Submit button is clicked and provide a label which shows how many students were entered (for instance it should say "student 5 out of 100").

The panel DisplayAll will present the content of the array of objects using a JTextArea object. In this textarea the students are displayed with the names in ascending order (you need to sort the array of objects using the Bubble Sort algorithm). The text in the JTextArea is displayed with a Serif style font in Italic and 12-point size.

The panel DisplayOne contains at the top the label "Enter student's name" and next to that label a textfield. Below the panel contains a JTextArea, where the result of the search is displayed with in Arial style font and 14-point size. If the search for the student fails the textarea should contain the message "Student not found".

Reference no: EM131596834

Questions Cloud

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Produce a string - organizing the layout of each panel : Based on this table a method of Student should decide the admission and the method toString() should produce a String
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