Produce a simulation of the mechanism motion

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM13897792

Can you provide the Matlab code for given problem?

Write a code to produce a simulation of the mechanism motion using the equation written in red in the file.

Problem Description:

Consider a shaft BP which has a pinned joint at point ‘B' and is connected to a slider at end ‘P'. The slider at ‘P' is capable of sliding freely in the slot of shaft AE. The shaft BP is moving by a constant angular speed ‘ω'. Mass of the slider is ‘m' and coefficient of friction between slider and rod AE isμ_k.As a result of rotation of BP, the slider ‘P' exhibit a reciprocating motion in the slot of AE thus causing angular motion to shaft AE. The angular velocity and angular acceleration of shaft AE and required activation torque at joint-B are found for different values of θ.

S No




Distance AB (b)

30 in


Length of arm BP (d)

15 in


Mass of slider (m)

1 lbm


Constant Angular velocity of BP

6 rad/sec


Coefficient of friction between follower and rod AE


141_Angular velocity and angular acceleration.png

The Geometry of of the Mechanism.

Attachment:- mech.rar

Reference no: EM13897792

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