Produce a sequential maintenance program

Assignment Help COBOL Programming
Reference no: EM131018707

Homework, i need the program and screen shot in cobol visual studio.

Note: I need in cobol visual studio of the program and screen shot for program


For this assignment you will produce a sequential maintenance program using techniques similar to those in SS3. You are given two files, a "master" file with dealer information called Account-Master-File-In.txt with record specification of:


05  OM-ACCOUNT-NUMBER              PIC X(05).

05  OM-ACCOUNT-NAME                PIC X(20).


05  OM-ACCOUNT-BALANCE             PIC S9(6)V99.

and a transaction file called Transaction-File-In.txt with record specification of:


           05 MT-TRANSACTION-CODE             PIC X.

              88 MT-NEW-ACCOUNT               VALUE "1".

              88 MT-DEPOSIT                   VALUE "2".

              88 MT-WITHDRAWAL                VALUE "3".

              88 MT-NAME-CHANGE               VALUE "4".

              88 MT-DELETION                  VALUE "5".

           05 MT-ACCOUNT-NUMBER               PIC X(5).

           05 MT-DEPOSIT-AMOUNT               PIC 9(6)v99.

           05 MT-WITHDRAWAL-AMOUNT   


                                              PIC 9(6)V99.

           05 MT-DEPOSITOR-NAME-FOR-ADD       PIC X(20).




           05                                 PIC X(6).  

           05 MT-DEPOSITOR-NEW-NAME           PIC X(20).

           05       PIC X(8).

Your task is to apply the transactions in the transaction file Transaction-File-In.txt to produce a "new master" called Account-Master-File-Out.txt. Error transactions should be copied intact to Error-File.txt.

You should use the posted sequential maintenance cobol file discussed in the slides for all "control" needed. You should use the same name for switches and the control variables.

One change is required in the "control" part of the program in the slides. You should detect when multiple adds for the same record are attempted. Examination of the old master will reveal that this occurs for record 371.

With the exception of the multiple add detection, the only modification you should make is in the data manipulation part of the program.

Note that the Maintenance-Transaction-Record has "formats", i.e. the record can have multiple structures depending on the type of transaction record it is. There are 5 types of transactions:

adding an account (MT-TRANSACTION-CODE = 1)

deposit into an account (MT-TRANSACTION-CODE = 2)

withdrawal from an account (MT-TRANSACTION-CODE = 3)

changing the name on an account (MT-TRANSACTION-CODE = 4)

deleting an account (MT-TRANSACTION-CODE = 5)

All of the formats have MT-TRANSACTION-CODE and MT-ACCOUNT-NUMBER.

For deposits, the amount deposited is MT-DEPOSIT-AMOUNT.

The REDEFINES MT-DEPOSIT-AMOUNT redefines the storage space for MT-DEPOSIT-AMOUNT to be called MT-WITHDRAWAL-AMOUNT when the transaction is a withdrawal.

The MT-DEPOSITOR-FOR-ADD is present only for an add transaction, otherwise it is spaces (because the name for the account does not change for a deposit or withdrawal).

If the transaction is a name change, then the storage space beyond the transaction code and account number becomes the new name associated with an existing account. 8 spaces is added after the new name to make the record size 34 characters. This is indicated by NAME-CHANGE-RECORD which redefines the entire (34 characters) of the MAINTENANCE-TRANSACTION-RECORD.

Note that all formats end up being 34 characters total.

Note that in the context of the terminology used in the slides, deposits, withdrawals, and name changes are all "changes", adding an account is an "add", and deleting an account is a "delete".

Note also, that a withdrawal may end up causing an account to have a negative balance. This will cause strange characters to be printed for the last digit of the balance in the output file because the negative sign is stored in the same byte as the last digit.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

Reference no: EM131018707

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