Reference no: EM133007677
ITECH 3002 Professionalism and Entrepreneurship - Federation University Australia
Assessment - Entrepreneurship Project
This assessment enables students to develop their report writing skills, information presentation skills, oral communication skills, video recording and editing skills, as well as an opportunity to research and plan an IT business concept.
Assessment Details
The entrepreneurial process includes all the functions, activities and actions that are part of perceiving opportunities and creating organisations to pursue them. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are examples of entrepreneurial leaders who drove the information technology revolution that transformed the way in which we live, work, and play (Zacharakis, Bygrave & Corbett, 2016).
Moore (1986) and Bygrave (2004) developed a four-stage model depicting the entrepreneurial process. The process begins with recognising an opportunity from a business problem and creating a business concept that articulates it. For the first steps, the entrepreneur (1) builds a concept to solve the business challenge; (2) fashions a story that conveys the meaning of the new venture, and (3) prepares a presentation that tells the story and explains the concept to potential customers, investors and partners. After testing the concept with stakeholders, the entrepreneur may go on to develop a complete business plan.
This is an individual task. Students will be required to:
a) undertake ideation and research then create (1) a written report and (2) a poster presentation which champions a new IT business concept, and
b) record a video of an oral presentation discussing your business concept.
The written report should be in the format of a business report including the following sections:
• Operations plan - Identify the problem and discuss the business opportunity that may address it, showing an understanding of the market and potential customers.
Also discuss (as appropriate) business details, registration details, premises, organisational chart, management and ownership, key personnel, products and/or services, innovation, insurance, risk, legal considerations, operations and sustainability.
• Marketing and social entrepreneurship plan - Define your marketing strategy this should include: target market, market segmentation, unique value proposition, SWOT analysis, marketing mix and marketing communication and social media (includes details of marketing tools and advertising approach).
• Financial plan - Explain the business/revenue model that your will utilise to realise the opportunity. Produce a projected budget, this should include all revenue/income and expense projections for the first 12 months. Indicate all sample costs such as registrations, insurance, plant and equipment, office equipment etc. (as appropriate).
• Strategic plan - Provide a mission statement. Explain your long-term strategy beyond the first 12 months, indicate your business goals.
• Include a list of any references consulted in preparation of the report.
A high quality report will include detailed accurate descriptions of all elements of the business plan. It will demonstrate clear and concise language and provide evidence of research from quality authentic sources.
Poster Presentation
The purpose of the poster is to give a brief visual summary of key aspects of your report on a single, large page. It is not meant to be a reproduction of the report's entire contents.
Specific criteria for the poster includes:
• Details of your name, student ID number, title of work, lecturer/tutor name.
• Key aspects of these sections of your business plan:
o Operations plan - Identify the problem and discuss the business opportunity that may address it, showing an understanding of the market and potential customers. Highlight key points from the written report.
o Marketing and social entrepreneurship plan - Summarise your marketing ideas.
o Financial plan - Explain key aspects of the business/revenue model that your will utilise to realise the opportunity. Show the projected budget for the first 12 months.
o Strategic plan - Provide a mission statement. Explain key elements of your long-term strategy beyond 12 months, indicate your business goals.
• Include appropriate graphics, images and graphs.
• Use appropriate design/layout techniques i.e. font type and size, and colour.
• Be delivered electronically.
The poster can be created using any appropriate software for example, MS PowerPoint, Prezi, Publisher etc.
Video Presentation
You will be required to record a short video using Kaltura or some other appropriate video editing software in which you will discuss your business idea. (You can use other video recording software to record, and then upload into Kaltura via Moodle).
Each student's video should adhere to the following:
• Include a discussion of key points of all business plan content sections
• Demonstrate appropriate communication techniques (e.g. clear voice, audio easy to hear)
• You should include appropriate visuals, such as slides from Powerpoint containing images or text (not too much and not squished onto the slide), but should aim to include your face for at least some portion (or all) of the recording.
• Duration of no more than 6 minutes
Attachment:- Entrepreneurship Project.rar