Produce a plan using a gantt chart

Assignment Help Software Engineering
Reference no: EM13909165

You are a software engineer from a software development company. Your firm has been contracted by the ABC store (a fictional company) to provide a computerised information system to support Sales.

It has been decided that you will use USDP/RUP with UML to carry out the work.

Carry out the following tasks:


1. Produce a plan, using a Gantt chart, indicating how you might schedule the work of developing the system. Your schedule should clearly be related to delivering the requirements of ABC Stores plc and should reflect RUP/USDP practice.

2. Produce a Use Case Model for the required system - including a Use Case diagram, and High Level Use Case Descriptions for each Use Case. For two of the Use Cases, produce example Expanded Use Case Descriptions.

3. Explain in words how to develop the Communication diagrams from the Use Case model.

Produce a Collaboration diagram and next produce a Sequence diagram for the same Use Case (using UML).

4. Explain in words how you would produce the Class Diagram.

Produce an Analysis Class diagram showing the domain classes.


5. Explain how you would move forward from this part of the development process. What techniques/products might be produced for the design? Explain briefly the purpose of each.

6. Provide a visual design of a user interface for realization of a chosen use case scenario (programmed in Java)

Please also include the listing of the code for this in an Appendix of your report

Case Study

A large, very old fashioned, department store - ABC Stores - (fictional) requires a new computerised system to support sales and stock control.

You are required to consider the sub-system handling the processing of sales and returns.

The sub-system dealing with ordering goods and deliveries from suppliers will be developed separately - and you are not required to model this processing.


The store is divided into departments according to the type of goods sold - e.g. Menswear, and Womenswear, Televisions, etc.

Each department has a manager and a buyer as well as several salespeople.

The administrative departments, Accounts, Personnel, Wages, Stock, Despatch and Publicity are all on site as are the store's senior management.

The Accounts and Wages Systems have recently been computerised.

All other information and data processing systems are manual.

Current System for handling Sales and Returned Goods


Each item in stock carries a printed ticket showing the stock code, description and price.

The Department Manager from time-to-time instructs a Salesperson to change the prices on the tickets.

Customer Purchases

When a customer makes a purchase, the ticket is removed and the details are used to help complete the bill. The salesperson writes out a bill by hand; this is presented to the customer. Each bill form consists of a top copy (white) and two carbons (yellow and pink).

The bill (top and two carbon copies) are sent or taken to the Accounts Dept together with the payment (which may be cash or a credit card slip); occasionally - especially for large payments - the customer will go directly to the Accounts Department to pay.

The Accounts Department retains the yellow carbon copy. The top copy (receipted) is given to the customer and the pink carbon (also receipted) is filed in a cabinet in the department by the salesperson.

The tickets from the garments are placed in a box in the department - from where they are collected at the end of each day by a stock clerk. The stock clerk (sales and returns) sorts them and creates lists of the goods (and quantities) that have been sold that day. From this information, the stock cards are updated.

Returned Goods

Goods may be returned by customers, either because they turn out to be unsuitable in some way, or because the item is faulty.

In either case, the Department Manager will decide if the goods should be accepted back. If the Manager gives his/her authorisation, the sales person finds the pink copy of the bill held on file, then uses the details to complete a Returns Form for the manager's signature.

This is sent/taken to the Accounts Department - where a refund is arranged. If the customer wants to exchange the goods for other goods - this is treated as a notional refund and a new sale.

Where goods are returned because they are the incorrect size or unsuitable, the items, after checking, are sent with the Returns Form to the Stock Clerk (Sales and Returns) - who re- labels them and modifies the stock card.

If an item is returned because it is faulty, it is sent with the Returns Form to the Stock Clerk (Supplier Liaison) - who arranges to send it back to the Supplier (You are not required to model this task).

Currently, copies of Returns Forms are not filed in the department.

Ordering Goods and Delivery from Suppliers

You are not required to model this part of the system, but have to bear in mind that the relevant file will be available to the part of the system which has to handle ordering goods from suppliers and dealing with deliveries, and therefore has to contain relevant attributes

The Stock Clerk (Supplier Liaison) periodically goes through the stock cards to find out what needs ordering and updates the stock cards when deliveries are made.

The Department Buyer makes decisions about new lines of stock, deleting stock lines and changing stock levels in accordance with sales and fashions. The Stock Clerk (Supplier Liaison) is responsible for carrying out the necessary orders and liaison with suppliers and with updating the stock cards.

Requirements for the New System

The new system should support the current facilities - but remove the need for the current quantity of paperwork and improve the speed and reliability of all processes.

In addition it should provide the following additional facilities:


Rather than sending bills and payments directly to the Accounts Department, Point of Sale terminals will be used in the department to accept payments and receipt bills. The data will be stored in the department and the bill and payment details will also be sent for information to Accounts.


a) sales report for the whole store (daily) showing the total value of individual types of stock sold and the total value (for Senior Managers);

b) sales report for individual salespeople (weekly) showing the total sales of individual types of stock and the total value (for Department Managers); this should show the sales person's name and code at the top.

Ad Hoc Inquiries

a) facility to check availability and price of individual stock items (for Sales Staff, Buyers and Department Managers)

b) facility to check details of a particular bill - including payment method (for Department Managers)

Reference no: EM13909165

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