Produce a diluted solution with a concentration

Assignment Help Chemistry
Reference no: EM132060650

Calculate the volume, in mL, of 18.4 mol/ L concentrated sulfuric acid stock solution needed to prepare 0.869 L of 4.95 mol/L dilute sulfuric acid solution

Calculate the volume of water in mL that must be added to 67.8 mL of a 6.35 mol/L NaClO3 (aq) solution to produce a diluted solution with a concentration of 2.50 mol/L.

Calculate the initial concentration of 100.0 mL sample of calcium chloride the final diluted solution has a volume of 345 mL and a concentration of 1.49 mol/L.

Reference no: EM132060650

Questions Cloud

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Produce a diluted solution with a concentration : Calculate the volume of water in mL that must be added to 67.8 mL of a 6.35 mol/L NaClO3 (aq) solution to produce a diluted solution with a concentration of 2.5
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