Produce a design document

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM1398616


You will design and deliver a website foes fictional client. The project is split into two parts:

Part A) Website Design Document :

Students will apply their knowledge and understanding of website design principles and methods to the design of a website for a client. The deliverable for this part will be a design document that illustrates and justifies the proposed website design.

Part B) Website Implementation :

You will demonstrate their understanding of HTML, CSS, JavaScript & web standards through the implementation of the website they documented in Part A. The deliverable for this part will be a fully functional, standards-based website that delivers the proposed design.

Part A- Website Design Document


In Part A, you will produce a design document that outlines your intended website design according to one of the provided client scenarios. The aim of this project is to:

          gather, clarify and confirm client requirements;

          identify & describe the clients target audience;

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Reference no: EM1398616

Questions Cloud

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Produce a design document : You will design and deliver a website foes fictional client part-1 Website Design Document and produce a design document
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Analyze how japan modernized their economy : Write down review of article "Japanese Spirit, Western Things." In two to three page review, explain the following: Analyze how Japan modernized their economy without embracing Western culture.


Write a Review

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