Process steps for preparing business report

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Reference no: EM132730399 , Length: word count:2500

Topic: High Cost of textbooks.

Process Steps for Preparing Your Business Report

Step 1: Analyze the problem and purpose
• What is the problem being investigated at this time? Why now? What opportunities exist? What difficulties do you anticipate? What problem are you going to solve and why is it important?
• Outline the background information to discover what you need to understand and analyze.
• Review the information on analytical reports (Chapter 12 and 13, particularly the sections on Feasibility/Justification Reports. Also, focus on the sample report in Chapter 11.)

Step 2: Anticipate the audience and issues
• Who is your audience? Who are you submitting the report to? If your report is circulated more widely around the College, who might read it? How does this affect the language you use? Your tone?

Step 3: Prepare a work plan
• Consider how you will proceed with work on the project over the course of the semester. What deadlines will you set?

Step 4: Implement your research strategies
• You must use at least four secondary (research) sources in your business report:
o One full-text academic periodical article that you have obtained through an online college library database.
o Another full-text periodical article that you found online through the library's search or Google Scholar.
o One website that you believe you can trust for information on your topic. Please do not choose a Wikipedia article.
o At least one other source of your choice.
• Read the articles and summarize what they say about electronic textbooks/books and paper textbooks/books

Step 5: Organize, analyze, interpret, illustrate the data
• Study the material you have gathered from external sources.
o Select information that you can summarize or paraphrase in your report.
o Select statements or phrases that you can quote directly in your report
o Create visuals to represent key findings.

Step 6: Compose the first draft
• Write the report parts. Format the report with title page, table of contents, and references
• Prepare a brief transmittal letter to accompany the report

Step 7: Review, revise, proofread, and evaluate
• Revise, proofread, and polish the final version.

Report Writing Process Assignments

Your final written business report should be 8-10 pages in length and will include the following:

Title Page
• Includes report title with longer line above shorter line
• Highlights name of report recipient
• Identifies report writer
• Date
• No page number

Table of Contents
• List the headings of your paper
• Indicate page number

Executive Summary
• Present an overview of a longer report to those who may not have time to read the entire document
• Summarize key points
• Prepare an outline with headings; fill in your outline
• Present your information in the order it is found in your report
• Control the length
• This will be the last part you write!

• Sets the scene and announces the subject
• Suggested headings within your introduction:
o Background
o Problem
o Significance ("So What?")
o Scope
o Organization
o Literature Review
o Definitions of Key Terms

• Discusses, analyzes, interprets, and evaluates the research findings or solution to the initial problem
• Show evidence that justifies your conclusions
• Suggested headings within your body:
o Results of the Survey
o Analysis of Findings
o Discussion
o Employee Benefits

Conclusions and Recommendations
• What do the findings mean?
• How can we solve the problem?
• May include a summary of the findings
• Make three suggestions for actions to solve the report problem (three solutions)
• Make sure they are practical and reasonable!
• They should evolve out of the findings and conclusions
• Do not introduce new information at this point!
• May be combined with the conclusions
• "The findings and conclusions in this study support the following recommendations"

• References cited using APA referencing format

Tips for Success
Please do make sure you begin work on the business report as soon as possible and email me with any questions you have! I am also happy to read any of your draft writing as you work through this project.

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Reference no: EM132730399

Questions Cloud

Evaluate different compensation packages for employees : How would you evaluate different compensation packages for employees who are located throughout the world?
Project plan-research and organizational goals : A project plan is based on research and organizational goals. The company is Apple
Complex and culturally diverse society : Describe a conflict within an organization or team with which you are familiar.
Dynamics of how self esteem affects self efficacy : Explain the dynamics of how self esteem affects self efficacy. Provide an example of an internal or external force that impacts your self-efficacy.
Process steps for preparing business report : Process Steps for Preparing Your Business Report - What is the problem being investigated at this time? Why now? What opportunities exist?
Implementation of quality : Discussed the want-to of building TQM into organizations, and training has been brought to the front as one of the musts for implementation of quality.
Harriet suggestion of using the cost of debt : What is your reaction to Harriet's suggestion of using the cost of debt only? Is it a good idea or a bad idea? Why?
Company business strategies : One of management's responsibilities is to ensure their team's work aligns to the company's business strategies.
Product idea and search engines-electronic marketing : Describe the product/service including the benefits of using the product/service. Discuss the potential customers for this product/service.


Write a Review

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