Process organizational socialization has strengthened

Assignment Help Business Economics
Reference no: EM1320249

Q. The process organizational socialization has strengthened workers also makes them more united. The process of featherbedding in which most employees are recruited among relatives also family members would ultimately ensure that employees share the same interest in their own self preservation. Any organizational changes would be futile since they would face a united front of workers who are resistant to it also will do Illustrate what they can to sabotage the efforts. A proposed organizational change that affects employment or benefit of a certain segments of employees (EX: the clerks also the firemen), would not be ignored since they would be conceived as an attack against a family member. The united employee respond would be immediate also would have devastating consequence for the company, as well as the managers proposing the change. Employees within this organization are too well socialized also too well connected to one another that they become a hindrance to effective change. Employees expect the proposed changes to cause layoff also increase their responsibility without increasing their pay. They would probably take subvert actions to apply pressure on the company also threaten the company with strikes or other counter actions to maintain the status quo.

Reference no: EM1320249

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