Process of putting up business including cost implication

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133615758

Create a powerpoint presentation includes the following details:

1. The difference in business type of any country.

Note: One country is enough but if you want to research for two countries for comparison it would be better.

2. What are the basic process of putting up the business including cost implication?

3. Basic Tax Environment

Reference no: EM133615758

Questions Cloud

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Discuss networking : We will discuss networking. What is networking? In your opinion, how can contacts be beneficial?
How you organize your writing in each genre : What writing you do in your business and what genres you use and how you organize your writing in each genre.
Limited partnership and properly formed limited partnership : Assume that Sally and Jack have been able to overcome the claims of bank, have filed certificate of limited partnership and properly formed limited partnership
Process of putting up business including cost implication : The difference in business type of any country. What are the basic process of putting up the business including cost implication?
Powerful parties may withhold the use of power : Powerful parties may withhold the use of power, knowing that if they use it, the low-power party will be more involved in creating the outcome, more satisfied
Analyse potential challenges and resistance : Analyse the potential challenges and resistance that may arise during the implementation process. Propose strategies for managing these challenges.
How would-do you practice good communication as a group : How would you be/are you an effective multi-disciplinary team member? What roles would/do you take? How would/do you practice good communication as a group?
Significance of leaders in influencing the performance : Evaluate the significance of leaders in influencing the performance of an organisation such Bed Bath and Beyond.


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