Process of organizational socialization

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Reference no: EM133439759


1. Most company websites tend to describe espoused values, which are:

the values most evident in the company's physical structures.
the language employees use that symbolizes the company's culture.
a specific list of values that most employees in the organization say they believe in.
the values that employees actually use to guide their behaviour.
None of these are espoused values.

2. How do espoused values relate to the concept of organizational culture?

Espoused values represent the shared assumptions within an organization's culture.
Espoused values are what leaders and employees actually rely on to guide their decisions and behaviours.
Espoused values are mainly used to decipher an organization's culture.
Espoused values are the values that corporate leaders want others to believe guide the organization's decisions and actions.
Espoused values are not mentioned in organizational culture literature.

3. When estimating the content of an organization's culture, we should pay attention to:

the values employees actually apply.
the beliefs that customers have about the company's products.
the amount of reality shock newcomers experience when joining the company.
the values executives say employees should apply.
We should never pay attention to values or beliefs when estimating organizational culture.

4. The assumptions and values shared most widely by employees represent:

the organization's dominant culture.
the organization's deculturation process.
the organization's counterculture.
artifacts held mainly by senior executives in the organization.
organizational rituals.

5. Subcultures tend to have what effect on organizations?

They encourage constructive conflict and more creative thinking about how the organization should interact with its environment.
They can be an important source of surveillance and critical review of the dominant order.
They are spawning grounds for emerging values that keep the firm aligned with the external environment.
They may cause conflict and dissension among employees.
Subcultures tend to have all of these effects on organizations.

6. The observable symbols and signs of an organization's culture:

are called artifacts.
are found only in companies with very strong cultures.
communicate an organization's culture only when more direct means are unavailable.
are very easy to interpret.
are all of these.

7. Which of the following is potentially an artifact of organizational culture?

Artwork on office walls.
The way visitors to the organization are greeted.
The names employees give to conference rooms.
All of these are potentially artifacts.
Artwork, greeting visitors, and conference room names are rarely, if ever, considered artifacts.

8. At meetings of a major consumer products firm, employees habitually stand up when the most senior executive at the meeting enters the room. This practice most likely is:

evidence that the meeting has employees who hold countercultural values.
evidence that the company has an adaptive culture.
a ritual that symbolizes the organization's dominant culture.
evidence that the company encourages regular exercise.
evidence that the company's espoused values differ from its enacted values.

9. Whenever an advertising firm lands a new contract, the successful team rings a loud bell. In organizational culture, this practice would be considered:

evidence of a counterculture.
a ceremony.
an organizational story.
psychological contract violation.
a ritual.

10. The design of workplace buildings:

can potentially change an organization's culture.
can potentially be influenced by an organization's culture.
can potentially support an organization's culture.
can potentially strengthen an organization's culture.
can potentially have all of these relationships with organizational culture.

11. Compared to competitive and controlling cultures, collaborative and creative cultures tend to have workspaces that:

are more structured and symmetrical.
encourage more individual privacy.
are more formal with fixed placement of desks and chairs.
encourage more spontaneous group discussion.
assign much more space to individuals working alone.

12. Employees at SuperTech Services seek out opportunities rather than wait for them to arrive. They also have a strong sense of responsibility for the organization's performance. SuperTech likely has:

a weak organizational culture.
employees with dysfunctional psychological contracts.
relatively few artifacts representing the organization's culture.
a culture that is misaligned with its external environment.
an adaptive culture.

13. In a merger or acquisition, the process of diagnosing cultural relations between the companies and determining the extent to which cultural clashes will likely occur is called:

organizational socialization.
a realistic job preview.
a bicultural audit.
avoiding an adaptive culture.

14. The process of organizational socialization:

begins with the role management stage.
is rare today compared to two decades ago.
begins with the company's onboarding activities on the first day of work.
begins long before the employee's first day of work.
is found only among people in management positions.

15. The two main underlying processes in organizational socialization are:

cooperation and stability.
power and restructuring.
negotiation and concession-making.
learning and adjustment.
separation and assimilation.

Reference no: EM133439759

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