Process of evaluating the supply network

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13944419

A clear majority are either in the process of evaluating their supply network, just completed

It is clear from the above comment that retailers are currently focusing on the state of their global supply chains. As the internationalisation of retailing has increased on a global basis, continuity of supply has become a key issue for them. Retailers such as Wal-mart are operating in North and South America, Asia, Europe and the company also recently announced its entry into the emerging market of South Africa. a) Assess the risks related to supplying multiple markets across the world b) Suggest what actions retailers should take in order to maintain continuity of supply • Essay format. You may include appendices with supplementary relevant material, but this should not contain copies of your research articles. Each appendix should be numbered and give a title and source. The essay should not contain headings or sub-headings. • You should include a title page. • Your points should be supported by examples or statistics where appropriate. Your examples should come from a range of retailers. • Word limit 2500 words, this does not include appendices.

Reference no: EM13944419

Questions Cloud

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