Process of buying a soda from a soda machine

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13693776

Can somebody help me to prepare this code:

Soda Machine. Please write a Java Program those steps through the process of buying a soda from a Soda Machine.  You must interact with the consumer. Each Soda is one dollar. You can assume the soda machine is always full of your favorite sodas. Your machine takes in only 1 and 5 dollar bills. Your machine calculates change.

Make this program using java programming. Make this application in simple way.

Reference no: EM13693776

Questions Cloud

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How many millimoles of acetate need to add to the solution : Problem- You need to produce a buffer solution that has a pH of 5.44. You already have a solution that contains 10. mmol (millimoles) of acetic acid. How many millimoles of acetate (the conjugate base of acetic acid) will you need to add to this s..
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Process of buying a soda from a soda machine : Please write a Java Program those steps through the process of buying a soda from a Soda Machine.  You must interact with the consumer. Each Soda is one dollar.
Propose a three-step synthesis of hexanal : Problem- Begining with sodium acetylide (NaCCH), propose a three-step synthesis of hexanal.
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What is the maximum concentration of fe3+ : Problem- What is the maximum concentration of fe3+ can a buffer solution that is .10M CH3COOH and .10M CH3COONa hold without forming any precipitate
Write program that takes number show number in power of 3 : Write a program that takes a number between -121 and 121 and output that number in the format of power of 3 (1,3,9,27)


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