Reference no: EM131270566
What is the point of indifference given the following information?
Machine A: fixed costs = $3,500,000; variable costs = $75
Machine B: Fixed Costs = 5,500,000; variable costs = $35
If the forecast is for 15,000 items, which process should the company choose?
What is the goal of process design?
If you want to improve a process, what is the first thing you should do?
What is the systems availability for a product if the average time between breakdowns = 500 days and the average time to repair it is 2 days?
Why is it important to do process development and product development concurrently?
Why does the company need to relook the Break Even Point during process development?
Provide an example of business problem
: Provide an example of a business problem that could be solved by using queuing theory. In your post, specify what the problem is that you’d like to solve and how you would specify a model that would address the problem.
Approach solving the problem with a decision model
: Describe a problem that you are currently faced with at work or in your personal life that could be solved by using a decision model. Describe what the problem is, why decision modeling could help you and how you would approach solving the problem wi..
Create an outline for your argumentative research paper
: Create an outline for your Argumentative Research Paper, (child support) topic. Organize your writing by creating an outline which supports your position (your argument). After you have gathered what you believe will be adequate supporting material, ..
Example of trending and innovative technology
: Cloud Computing is an example of a trending and innovative technology. Conduct an Internet search and find at least 3 sources of information on Cloud Computing. Describe what Cloud Computing is and discuss 2-3 options that are currently available. Li..
Process development and product development concurrently
: What is the goal of process design? If you want to improve a process, what is the first thing you should do? What is the systems availability for a product if the average time between breakdowns = 500 days and the average time to repair it is 2 days?..
Analyze whether career and financial goals are in alignment
: Write a 5 sentence paragraph detailing 18-month career goal. Write a 5 sentence paragraph detailing 5-year career goal. Analyze whether career and financial goals are in alignment.
The sole determinant of your performance rating
: Instead of using the supervisor as the sole determinant of your performance rating, you could get information from a variety of sources including subordinates, peers, customers, top managers, and yourself. The result will be a less biased and more co..
Make sure a performance appraisal is fair
: Explain how you would make sure a performance appraisal is fair. Describe two employee benefits you would personally desire and explain why.
Percentage of parts-lower value and upper value
: Specifications for a part for a DVD player state that the part should weigh between 25.5 and 26.5 ounces. The process that produces the parts has a mean of 26.0 ounces and a standard deviation of .22 ounce. What percentage of parts will not meet the ..