Reference no: EM132713464
CTEC5806 Digital Forensics: Principles & Practice DL - De Montfort University
Learning outcome 1: Discuss the principles underpinning digital forensic practice & their importance;
Learning outcome 2: Explain the main stages & the associated procedures of a digital forensic investigation;
Learning outcome 3: Apply the principles & practices of digital forensics to given scenarios;
Learning outcome 4: Analyse forensic images of different formats using a suitable selection of tools;
Learning outcome 5: Prepare a suitable report to present your findings and professional opinion of a given scenario;
Learning outcome 6: Critically evaluate & reflect upon your own learning in relation to digital forensics & your future learning needs to be successful in the field of digital forensics;
Tasks to be undertaken:
Use the Coursework Questions page and complete the questions in the identified sections of your report.
You will also need the coursework forensic image file that is available to download from the link on the assessment page on Blackboard. It is a large file so you will need to leave it downloading and check you have ALL of the files before starting to work on the coursework.
You will need to use Autopsy to analyse the coursework forensic image then answer the questions based on your examination, question 6 will therefore be quite a large chunk of your work so you will need to add some sub headings of your choosing.
1. A completed report of no more than 5000 words, that answers each question as set out on the questions page of the coursework packet.
2. Please Note:
a. When completed, you must PDF your report before submitting
to the Turnitin link.
This will reduce the file size and ensure the layout has been correctly saved in the PDF so there are no pictures obscuring any of the text and you can read all of the report.
Coursework Introduction
1. As a Digital Forensics Investigator, you are expected to follow several principles that are a combination of legal, ethical/moral and general guidelines.
- Discuss what these principles are and why they are important.
2. Explain the main stages of a Digital Forensic investigation, giving examples of what tasks, activities and the tools where appropriate, you would complete or use at each stage.
3. Summarise the case you have been asked to investigate in your own words. State the case hypothesis.
4. What will you be looking for? Where will you expect to find such artefacts?
5. What tools are you going to use? How will they help you investigate? How do you use these tools?
Main Body - Biggest Section
6. Analyse the forensic image and illustrate step by step the process of what you did and what you found.
7. Assemble your findings in relation to what you have been asked to investigate.
8. Based on your findings, does the evidence support or refute the case hypothesis? Why? Back up your answer with demonstrable reasons and evidence.
9. What have you learnt during this assignment?
10. If you had to do the assignment again, what would you do differently? Why would this help you?
Appendices - each appendix should be on a separate page and have a title, plus a paragraph to explain what it is showing (except B and C which should just have a title) A. References;
B. Spreadsheet and written details about their proposed lab setup and field kit;
C. Incident Response plan;
D. E. F. etc. Screenshots you think will support your report that do not fit in the main body of your assignment.