Procedure in project with project plan

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM133047961

Presentation of the company and the starting position

The Global Bike Group is a medium-sized company in the discrete manufacturing industry. It sees itself as a manufacturer of high performance bicycles for both road and off-road use. In addition to the range of innovative and high quality on- and off-road bikes, GBI sells bike accessories.

From an organizational point of view, Global's corporate structure headquartered in Dallas Texas is divided into the two legally independent subsidiaries Global Bike Inc. (US market) and Global Bike Deutschland GmbH (German market). The group sells its bicycles around the world and employs about 100 people, of whom about 2/3 work in the US. Main distribution channel is wholesale. Furthermore, for tax reasons in the USA and the high level of consulting intensity of the bicycles, there are only a limited number of products sold to major customers via the Internet.Peter Schwarz and John Davis share the management of Global Bike. While Peter Schwarz is responsible for research, design, purchasing and manufacturing, John Davis is responsible for Sales, Marketing, Service & Support, IT, Finance and Human Resources. He is your client.

As a rapidly growing global manufacturing group, Global Bike uses a range of SAP systems. In addition to the SAP-specific ERP and CRM system, which has been supporting Global Bike's processes for many years, the management decided to switch to the SAP Lumira Designer 2.0 business intelligence software for the creation of decision-relevant analysis views, as these are deeply integrated with the makes existing systems possible.

SAP Lumira Designer accesses the data stored in the global data warehouse (SAP BW) via the Business Objects Enterprise Server.Based on the data provided on the BO server, a user-optimized dashboard, which represents decision-relevant analysis views of the sales department of the Global Bike Group, was initially designed and then prototypically implemented using the SAP Business Intelligence software SAP Lumira Designer. This should serve as a basis for decision-making for global sales manager John Davis, who can use his statements on the success and profitability of the companies Global Bike Inc. and Global Bike Germany GmbH meet.

The following requirements are assigned to the dashboard by the department:
- Representation of sales-relevant key figures in terms of success and profitability
- Overview and comparison of both markets
- consideration of regional and seasonal irregularities
- Differentiation and classification of different product groups
- Consideration of the principles of information design
- Implementation of simple business simulations based on what

-if scenarios (*) is extraWhen designing and building the dashboard, make sure to create a meaningful and intuitive dashboard that is tailored to the needs and requirements of the intended audience (domain and users).

The key figures must be representable with the provided database.(*) In addition, John Davis has a requirement to review decision latitude using simple business simulations and scenarios. In this context, he has already heard about what-if scenarios in the context of Business Intelligence at a management seminar. A further concern would be the possibility to compare the sales figures in the sense of a benchmark with the sales of the competition.

a clear presentation of the starting position and objectives,

• a description of the procedure in your project with project plan,

• a stringent solution concept with regard to the key figures used in the context of the initial situation,

• a coherent approach to visualizing the metrics in your dashboard, analysis capabilities, and dashboard functionality;

• A representation of the look and functionality of your dashboard in Microsoft Powerpoint or in a mockup tool and

• a qualitative benefit analysis of your dashboard for the client or the management.

Reference no: EM133047961

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