Reference no: EM133063381
ANSWER CHOCIES- one answer for each question
a. while federal minimum wage has increased, they have not always kept up with inflation.
b. false, only 4.3% of hourly workers earn the federal minimum wage.
c. 77% of minimum wage earners are white and half of them are between the ages of 16 and 24.
d. the majority have enacted higher state minimum wages then federally mandated.
e. the economic answer is there are no solutions only trade-offs
f. several studies actually show that the impact n jobs in real is no as bad as traditional theory suggest.
g. the minimum wage may actually hurt the people it claims to help.
1. Most hourly workers in the United States earn minimum wage.
2. The people earning minimum wage are largely minorities living in poverty.
3. All states have the same minimum wage.
4. The minimum wage has been going up over time.
5. People that are against the minimum wage don't care about the poor.
6. Increasing the minimum wage causes massive unemployment
7. Increasing the minimum wage will solve our problems with poverty and income inequality.