Problems in a project

Assignment Help PL-SQL Programming
Reference no: EM131049743


  • Collections
  • Threads
  • Timers

How to complete this HW:

1. First read and analyze each problem; then implement both problems in a project called HW3.

2. For each exercise, insert comments on ID, Name, and HW#.

3. Submit the zipped solution on BB link. The name of each file should be For example, (q? stands for question #).

Note on Honor Code: You must NOT look at previously published solutions of any of these problems in preparing your answers. You may discuss these problems with other students in the class (in fact, you are encouraged to do so) and/or look into other documents (books, web sites), with the exception of published solutions, without taking any written or electronic notes. If you have discussed any of the
problems with other students, indicate their name(s) in the comments section at the top of your program. Any intentional transgression of these rules will be considered an honor code violation.

1. Collections

Solve problem 18 on page 294.

2. Threads & Timers.

  • Change the Wink animation such that it displays 10 smiley faces with different winking durations between 200 and 1000 milliseconds. In addition, allow for either of the two eyes to blink at random. You may also choose a random color for the face.
  • Solve problem 16 on page 310.

Reference no: EM131049743

Questions Cloud

Invested in each to maximize annual interest : A pension fund manager decides to invest a total of at most $45 million in U.S. Treasury bonds paying 5% annual interest and in mutual funds paying 7% annual interest. He plans to invest at least ?$5 million in bonds and at least ?$10 million in mutu..
Animate your pictures and describe the motion : [Computer] Make plots similar to Figure 16.5 of the standing wave (16.18) for several equally spaced times from t = 0 to τ, the period. Take 2A = 1 and k = ω = 2π.
How do films and tv shows influence our level of tolerance : How do films & TV shows influence our level of tolerance and respect towards cultural diversity and ethnicity? Analyze at least 5 TV shows and films.
How much interest will refinancing save : A person purchased a $233,655 home 10 years ago by paying 15% down payment and signing a 30-year mortgage at 10.8% compound monthly. Interest rates have dropped and the owner wants to refinance the unpaid balance by signing a new 15-year mortgage at ..
Problems in a project : 1. First read and analyze each problem; then implement both problems in a project called HW3. 2. For each exercise, insert comments on ID, Name, and HW#.
What is missing from current studies : What do researchers agree or disagree about? What are the central themes and arguments in current studies? What is missing from current studies?
Making semiannual interest payments : What is the value of a 20-year, noncallable bond with an annual coupon rate of 9.5%, but making semiannual interest payments? The bond has a face value of $1,000, and you require an annual 8.4% discount rate for this investment.
Show that the coefficients of the cosine terms are all zero : The Fourier sine series is especially convenient for discussing functions that are zero at the end points x = 0 and L.
Additional attributes department and datehired : Now, write a class called Employee that inherits from the Person class.  This class should have the additional attributes Department and DateHired.  Be sure to include Accessor and Mutator methods as well as __init__ and __str__.


Write a Review

PL-SQL Programming Questions & Answers

  Create a database model

Create a database model and Submit the table creation statements for the Database Model.

  Write pl-sql procedures and functions

Write PL/SQL procedures and functions to populate and query that database

  Sql questions

Write a query to display using the employees table the EMPLOYEE_ID, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME and HIRE_DATE of every employee who was hired after to 1 January, 1995.

  Run the lab_03_01.sql script

Run the lab_03_01.sql script in the attached file to create the SAL_HISTORY table. Display the structure of the SAL_HISTORY table.

  Write sql queries

Write a query to display the last name, department number, and salary of any employee whose department number and salary both match the department number and salary of any employee who earns a commission.

  Explaining sql insert statement to insert new row in cds

Write down a SQL insert statement to insert new row in "CDS" table.

  Write down name of actors in ascending order

Write down actors (or actress, your choice, but not both) who have won at least two (2) Academy Awards for best actor/actress. Provide the actor name, movie title & year. Order the result by actor name."

  What is an sql injection attack

What is an SQL injection attack? Explain how it works, and what precautions must be taken to prevent SQL injection attacks.What are two advantages of encrypting data stored in the database?

  Determine resonant frequency in series rlc resonant circuit

Given the series RLC resonant circuit in the figure, operating at variable frequency, determine: The resonant frequency ω o ,  The circuit’s quality factor Q , The cut-off frequencies, f 1  & f 2  and the bandwidth BW

  Query that uses cube operator to return lineitemsum

Write summary query which uses CUBE operator to return LineItemSum (which is the sum of InvoiceLineItemAmount) group by Account(an alias for AccountDesciption).

  Query to show customers were missing for existing orders

As DBA, your manager called a meeting and asked why there are so many orders for customers that don't exist in the customer table. Write query which would shows which customers were missing for existing orders. Use a join or a subquery.

  Sql query into a relational algebra statement

Turn this SQL query into a relational algebra statement? SELECT Request.reqfor, Ordering.invamt, Ordering.invnbr, Ordering.invdat

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