Reference no: EM133627532
#1: Assume you are hired to help Sees automate their inventory control so management can have accurate up-to-date inventory levels of each product. Provide your recommendation and the script (stored procedures, functions, triggers, etc.).
#2: The problem with the traditional OLTP database design is that to get all the information from a single order you would have to doa multi-way join on the underlying normalized database tables.
Assume you are hired to design a non-relational document database, using MongoDB. This type of schema will be very different from the underlying OLTP schema behind Sees database. 20 points - partial credit available.
1) Design a simple MongoDB collection to handle a customer who orders one item to be shipped to one address.
2) Createand test a script to createthis collection in MongoDB, and to createa document that contains the following information about this sample order:
a. I wish to order a box of 1 lb box of Dark Nuts and Chews
b. Assume my address is the college mailing address at 11333 Big Bend, Information Systems
Department, Kirkwood, MO 63124.
c. Assume the credit card I would use is a Visa, with number 8834 1111 2222 3333, an expiration date of 5/25, and a "secret" code of 321. Do not worry about verifying the validity of the credit card number.
d. Use my name as the name of the person placing the order.
e. Please submit this script.