Problem regarding the actor computing

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13963557

Actor Computing

The actor mail system provides asynchronous buffered communication and does not guarantee that messages (tasks in actor terminology) are delivered in the order they are sent. Suppose actor A sends tasks t1, t2, t3,... , to actor B and we want actor B to process tasks in the order A sends them.

(a) What extra information could be added to each task so that B can tell whether it receives a task out of order? What should B do with atask when it ?rst re- ceives it before actually performing the computation associated with the task?

(b) Because the actor model does not impose any constraints on how soon a task must be delivered, a task could be delayed an arbitrary amount of time. For example, suppose actor A sends tasks t1, t2, t3,..., t100 and actor B receives the tasks t1, t3,..., t50 without receiving task t2. Because B would like to proceed with some of these tasks, it makes sense for B to ask A to resend task t2. Describe a protocol for A and B that will add resend requests to the approach you described in part (a) of this problem.

(c) Suppose B wants to do a ?nal action when A has ?nished sending tasks to

B. How can A notify B when A is done? Be sure to consider the fact that if A sends I'm done to B after sending task t100, the I'm done message may arrive before t100.

Reference no: EM13963557

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