Problem on demand-page system

Assignment Help Operating System
Reference no: EM13189049

1) Consider the following set of processes, with length of CPU burst given in milliseconds:


Burst Time


Order Arrived

























Looking at FCFS, SJF, RR (quantum = 4), and non-preemptive priority (lower is higher priority), give the following

a) Average wait time for each process for each scheduling algorithm

b) Average turnaround time of each process for each of the scheduling algorithms

c) When looking at your results above; which is the "best" scheduling technique, and why? (The defense of your choice is what is being graded)

2)  There is a demand-page system that has the following measurements:

CPU utilization: 8%

Paging disk (demand): 96.3%

a) Describe in general how the system is being used. (is it fast? Slow? User experience?)

b) Explain the effect on the above measurement (CPU utilization) if the following occurred:

i. Increase the page size

ii. Add pre-paging

iii. Increase RAM

iv. Overclock the CPU

v.  Install faster HDD

vi. Make paging disk larger (increase size)

Reference no: EM13189049

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