Reference no: EM131521968
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Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" Initiative was put in place to help solve a problem of obesity within our generation for our children, so that they may grow up healthier and live healthy lifestyles. With this initiative she planned to change the way our children are fed, starting with our school meals and the high sugar, sodium and fat intake, replacing it with better quality made meals, and increasing vegetable servings. This move is projected to see results not in our near future but hopefully, if continued, later on.
Although this initiative has good intentions, others have opposite views on the changes from Michelle's act. One problem that many seen, which is always an issue, is the expenses it would cost to change school lunches. Most schools do not have the budget to afford "higher quality" menus, let alone cover students who can't afford lunch, to eat. Knowing they do work off of budgets and can't necessarily afford these changes, the real question is, what cuts will be made in order to sustain it? Does this affect our children's education, possibly books, teachers pay, or extra curricular activities just to fit this in? What other sacrifices have to made in order for this to be successful, some may say it isn't worth it.
It's not the exact problem of what they're feeding them because they still make sure children get a balanced meal, but more so teaching kids to be disciplined and not overindulging in foods that are high in fats and sugars. In American culture "bigger is better", and getting more for your money is what helped breed a glutinous mentality, fast food chains and restaurants capitalized on making disgustingly low quality food for less money out of your pocket, and it appeals to us because you can "super-size" it! What a poisonous marketing scheme that us americans are ok with.
We were raised to "finish, and eat what's on your plate" by our parents even if we were full because we should be "thankful we have food", which also became a disability because that's what we teach our children and now instead of eating to sustain, we eat past our needs because of guilt, not eating it all is "unappreciative". Discipline and changing the way we make better decisions and sticking to them, changing the cycle our parents started, and raising our children differently so that it becomes a way of life to make better choices rather than what others feel is best for them by not giving them their choice to have, would help change the obesity issue and also not affect our school systems from making budget cuts.
Although Obama's intentions were good, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention published in JAMA that "Nearly 17% of children between the ages of 2 and 19 were obese in 2012, and in 2014 the rate has remained relatively unchanged in the past decade." This study has shown that it takes more than "school lunches" to affect our children and its up to us as parents to change that.