Problem - Chi Square Test for Independence

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM132377376


Problem Set 1: Chi Square Test of Goodness of Fit

Research Scenario: A school social worker at a middle school wants to examine whether there is a difference in the number of children who have experienced bullying in different grades (6th - 8th). Assume the total number of children in each grade is about equal. He administers a survey on which students self-report whether or not they have been bullied. He is only interested in the number of "yes" responses from students who report being victims of bullying. He records the frequencies of "yes" answers in the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a Chi Square Test of Goodness of Fit to test whether the frequencies of being bullied are equal across the different grades. Remember to weight cases as shown in the presentation. Create a bar chart to show the relationship between the variables.


Frequency who report being bullied







1. Paste SPSS output.

2. Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your bar chart as an APA-style figure as demonstrated in the APA writing presentation.

Problem Set 2: Chi Square Test for Independence

Research Scenario: A social psychologist is studying how people consume news in her area. In particular, she is interested in news consumption among Americans with different political ideologies. She surveys 90 adults and asks about their political ideology (consistently conservative (n = 30), consistently liberal (n = 30), or mixed (n = 30)) and their main source of news. (For the purposes of this exercise, only two are included here: CNN and Fox News). The data are presented in the table below (note: data are based on research conducted by the Pew Research Center). The results are listed in the table below.

Using this table, enter the data into a new SPSS data file and run a Chi Square Test for Independence to test whether news source preference is independent of political ideology. Remember to weight cases as shown in the presentation. Create a clustered bar chart to show the relationship between the variables.


Consistently Conservative


Consistently Liberal





Fox News




1. Paste SPSS output.

2. Write an APA-style Results section based on your analysis. Include your clustered bar chart as an APA-style figure as demonstrated in the APA writing presentation.

Attachment:- SPSS HOMEWORK File.rar

Reference no: EM132377376

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