Reference no: EM13347728
Problem 1
Greatest Common Divisor Write code for a recursive implementation of Euclid's algorithm for searching the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two integers. Descriptions of this algorithm are given in algebra books and on the Web. Prepare a test program that calls your GCD procedure five times, using the subsequent pairs of integers: (5,20), (24,18), (11,7), (432,226), (26,13). After each procedure call, shows the GCD.
Problem 2
Prepare a procedure named Str_concat that concatenates a source string to the end of a target string. Sufficient space must exist in the target string to accommodate the new characters. Pass pointers to the source and target strings. Here is a sample call:
targetStr BYTE "ABCDE",10 DUP(0)
sourceStr BYTE "FGH",0
INVOKE Str_concat, ADDR targetStr, ADDR sourceStr
Problem 3
Prepare a macro that writes a null-terminated string to the console with a given text color. The macro parameters should include the string name and the color. Hint: Call SetTextColor from the book's link library. Write a program that tests your macro with several strings in different colors. Sample call:
myStringdb "Here is my string",0
mWritestringmyString, white
Problem 4
Write a code that inputs the subsequent information from the user, using the Win32 ReadConsole function: first name, last name, age, phone number. Redisplay the same information with labels and attractive formatting, using the Win32 WriteConsole function. Do not use any procedures from the Irvine32 library.