Problem 1 write program to print the subsequent stars in

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM13347394

Problem 1. Write program to print the subsequent stars in the screen 






Problem 2. Suppose your $1,000 is earning interest at 4% per year.  

How many years you need to double your money?

Write program to count the number of years.

Problem 3. In chess, the knight moves in a very special way:

either: two squares forward and one to the side

or : one square forward and two to the side

Write a program in C++ to describe the Probability of the moves

































































Problem 4. Suppose three dimensional array a initialized with the followinga[row][col][dep] = row*col*dep;

Write program to determine the summation of all even elements of the array;

Reference no: EM13347394

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