Problem 1 produce a scatterplot of rent vs size square

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13348104

Problem 1. Produce a scatterplot of Rent vs. Size (square meters of the apartment) for the rental data in rent.txt.

Problem 2. Prepare a brief description of the relationship represented by the scatterplot.

Problem 3. Draw a barchart for the variable Num.Rooms.

Problem 4. Color brush the scatterplot according to the number of rooms.

Problem 5. Prepare a brief description of the relationships represented by the color brushed scatterplot and the barchart

Problem 6. Produce a histogram for the variable Built (the year of construction).

Problem 7. Prepare a brief description of the distribution represented by the histogram.

Problem 8. Color brush all plots according to the year of construction.

Problem 9. What will be learned from the color brushed scatterplot?

Problem 10. What will be learned from the color brushed barchart of number of rooms?

Reference no: EM13348104

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