Probability of competitor vision similarity

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM132866206

The Vision Statement

Andrews inspires the common values of the sensor organization. We will continually remain on the cutting edge of innovation, providing our clients with the greatest quality, state-of-the-art sensors to serve their differing manufacturing needs. In addition to research and design upgrades we guarantee Andrews is committed to continually design and upgrade our products to guarantee smaller, faster, lighter, and denser technologies that will keep up with today's technologies. We are committed to passing on annual cost savings to our customers, selecting from high-quality product lines based on what best fits our vendors as the manufacturer, and we promise to serve your customers with quality products at prices they can afford

CAPSIM: 1-4 Vision Statement Critique

Probability of Competitor Vision Similarity
Though we prefer to operate in a sector(s) absent of competitors, given the remarkable similarities amongst the companies following the monopoly breakup, we view our brand and service as the distinguishing factors setting us apart from other industry participants. That said, we intend to compete both broadly and at the micro-levels of innovation and customer preference.

Moreover, we view our decision to pursue a broad differentiator strategy (i.e., maintaining a presence in every segment) as a further delineating aspect of our business approach.

Require Investment vs. Alternatives

Given that we've elected to maintain a presence in each of the five sectors, significantly higher investment is indicated to realize our higher sales and margins' intended objectives. A moreconservative approach, i.e., one that's not a concern with elevated design, increased awareness, andreadily accessible products would initially observe lower capital requirements. However, webelieve it would prove less effective in the long run. Adding to the price tag of our intendedstrategy is the associated cost of developing an R&D competency aimed at relevant designs thatremain in step with consumer expectations. Conversely, we intend to heavily employ automationin the low-end sector given the less frequent need for retooling, along with the associateddecreased labor-cost, and increased predictability of expanding capacity as demand increases

Execution Level of Difficulty
No strategy is without risk and potential hurdles in execution. Moreover, aside from the significantly higher level of capital that is required of our approach, we acknowledge below additional obstacles and circumstances that may not exist with other strategies

• The risk of consumers not finding value in the unique features of our products
• Perceived value declines over time
• Higher strain on resources
• Difficulty in ramping capacity
• Increased revenue heavily weighted against consumer adoption

Our plan will be difficult to execute; adding to this strain are multiple market participants potentially competing for the same market share. However, we tend to view this difficulty of execution as a form of entry barrier that will potentially discourage other market participants fromattempting to duplicate.

Execution timeline vs. Alternatives
We estimate a 4-to-5-year timeline before observing an entrenched market position.
Leading up to this period, we anticipate that our product sales will be on par, and in some scenariostrailing those of the competition. The broad differentiator strategy entails making critical monetarydecisions across the entire spectrum of our product lineup. Thus, automation and unique productfeatures at the lower and higher-end, respectively, represent deliberate initial tooling and ongoinginnovation to achieve the desired outcome. By the 5th to 6th year of operation, we aim toeliminate research and development for our traditional and low-end segments. Moreover, webelieve that our strategy is better positioned to capture a significantly larger percentage of theanticipated 150% market growth over the next eight years.

Growth Rates Considerations
As previously stated, we anticipate remaining in step with overall market command as the growth expands over the next several years. Coupled with our initial strategy, we aim to be both vigilant and aggressive in adjusting our position where necessary in achieving our objectives. Additionally, our timetables will serve as the matrix in determining the need to pivot in any givensegment.

Final Vision Statement
"We are the products that impact and improve people's lives. Through creativity, ingenuity, safety, forward-thinking technology, and sustainable unmatched performance we are the leaders that dare to be bold. We create more than just sensors we create customer satisfaction." References

Attachment:- Capsim Vision and Strategy Outline.rar

Reference no: EM132866206

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4/23/2021 5:26:06 AM

using the attached template draft final presentation PowerPoint slides for vision and strategy for a sensor business simulation company No introduction needed - go straight into the vision and strategy. Might end up with 3-6 readable slides. I will do voice over on the PPT slides, you can add notes so I know what you are thinking of.

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