Pro forma projected expenses and operating costs

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133416244

The purpose of this assignment is to build and defend financial projections for your business idea. This includes estimating units sold, revenue, and costs for the first 3 years (12 Quarters) of the business.

Part 1

Build a pro forma Excel sheet estimating revenue and all operating cost items of the business for each of the first 3 years (12 quarters) of operation. Review the pro forma examples provided in the topic Resources. Pro forma estimates should be based on researched information and rational assumptions.

Part 2

WRITE A-word summary of your pro forma spreadsheet. Include the following items:

Describe how you developed the pro forma projected expenses and operating costs.

Explain your revenue estimates, variable costs, fixed costs, margin, and how your arrived at your figures.

Reference no: EM133416244

Questions Cloud

Bigger problem with internet search engines : In Haller's text, the character Online Professor (O-Prof) states that "A bigger problem with Internet search engines,
Develop business plan for your company : Develop a Business Plan for your company in Canada. How will the company match its resources and skills to opportunities and risks?
Greenergy-A biodiesel arbitrage opportunity : Greenergy-The biodiesel markets have been flourishing over the years due to the search for a renewable and more sustainable liquid transportation fuel.
Completely displaced leading firms in the market : Give an example of a technology that did not originate from the low performance end of the market but completely displaced the leading firms in the market.
Pro forma projected expenses and operating costs : Describe how you developed the pro forma projected expenses and operating costs.
Best for your business idea : What you selected and give explanation as to why you selected both. In other words, describe how you see your choices as being the best for your business idea?
Different financial statements : What are the different financial statements that businesses use on a daily basis and the pros of using plus the cons of not using them
Improve company financial performance : He engaged in massive restructuring efforts, presumably to help improve the company's financial performance.
Cultivate culture of innovation in my work environment : How do I measure the success of my innovative efforts? What can I do to cultivate a culture of innovation in my work environment?


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