PRN101A Public Relations Recommendation Report Assignment

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Reference no: EM132410602 , Length: word count:800

PRN101A - Understanding Public Relations Assignment - Public Relations Recommendation Report, Laureate International Universities, Australia

Learning Outcomes

a) Research a communication problem and develop an appropriate strategy in response, within a suitable professional and ethical framework.

b) Apply knowledge and theoretical principles to different contexts and subfields in the Public Relations industry.

c) Identify and discuss how new media channels portray news from different angles.

Context - This assessment is designed to strengthen creative strategy skills in the planning of a public relations campaign for an organisation and will include research, objective-setting and implementation.

You will create a PR plan for a client/situation based on research results in Assessment 2. This will prepare you for professional application in the industry. Planning, researching and evaluating a public relations campaign will support your learning and deepen your understanding of how to manage diverse stakeholder groups to achieve communication goals.

Instructions: In Assessment 2 you were provided with a Client Brief, and responded to the brief with a situation analysis, and a description of the communications and reputation problem as well as the consequences for the client.

In this Assessment, you will use the provided Client brief , and make a report recommending goals, objectives, and strategies in order to address the communication and reputation problem identified in Assessment 2.

This will need to include the following subheadings:

1. Executive Summary

2. Objectives

3. Target Audience

4. Key Messages

5. Suggested Tactics

6. In Conclusion

Please ensure to include appropriate academic referencing and a reference list following APA 6th edition style of referencing.

Reference no: EM132410602

Questions Cloud

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