Reference no: EM133068474 , Length: word count:3500
Task Description
Choose one topicfrom the given topics below. You can prefer any one of the topics based on your choice and preference. Write minimum 3500 word review (excluding tables (if any), figures (if any), equations (if any), and references) based on your selected topic. For your benefit, I have included some sections. But you are free to add/modify sections and subsections to make the review article more informative, organized and readable. You have to demonstrate expert/superior learning outcomes in the area of security, privacy and analytics. Therefore, you have to write in such a way that it may target audiences who have domain knowledge and find your article interesting and insightful.
Choose any one of the below topics to submit this task.
Topic 1:
Privacy-preserving analytics for social network data: A survey on anonymization techniques
Sections you may include (but not limited to): Introduction, Privacy attacks using social network data, Challenges in anonymizing social network data, state-of-the-art techniques, commercial and open-source tools for privacy analytics (list and compare at least 8 of them), practical usecase/example case study, future trends, and conclusion.
Topic 2:
Differential Privacy for real-world applications: past, present and future
Sections you may include (but not limited to): Introduction, Background of differential privacy, why DP over anonymization and encryption, Motivation of using DP for real-word applications, commercial and open-source tools for privacy analytics (list and compare at least 8 of them), DP for internet system, DP for Healthcare, DP for Energy System, DP for IoT, DP for transportation system, DP for smart farming, etc, future trends, and conclusion.
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