Prioritize your threats based on their risk value

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131289730 , Length:

Hands-On Project: Assessing and Prioritizing Risks, page 40

You have been hired as the security professional in your current work or school environment. Your department has experienced a recent breach within its database architecture. Your manager feels it is time to reassess the network as a first step in a phased approach to hardening the network security. You have been delegated to lead this assessment. Research your organization or school to determine its database architecture. Write a paper describing your assessment process. Include the following information in your paper:

- Define who would be included in the assessment of the database environment.
- Identify the assets that you are protecting.
- Define the threats you are protecting yourself against.
- Using the following table, assign a risk value to each threat, based on its likelihood and cost to the company.
- Prioritize your threats based on their risk value (5 being the highest risk and 1 being the lowest).

Notes from the instructor: Assets are not just data, software and hardware. Assets can also be people, documentation, configurations. You can use the whitepaper located in folder 2 in order to identify some database-related threats. The whitepaper is not exhaustive, though.

Risk Value 5 = high, 1 = low

High cost Medium cost Low cost
High Probability 5 4 3
Medium probability 4 3 2
Low probability 3 2 1

Hands-On Project 2-2: Building a Relational Database, page 76

You have been hired to design a relational database for a convenience store which is located within an apartment complex. The goal of the database is to keep track of the inventory sold in hopes of using the data to better meet the customers' convenience store needs. Up until your arrival, the store kept track of each customer's purchases using a flat database log, as shown in the follow- ing table. Using the information provided, build a relational database that will allow for querying things such as products sold, customer purchases, total apartment purchases, and total spent per apartment. Include any created tables and identify the keys and key types that are used. Identify all relation- ships, labeling them 1:1, 1:N, or M:N.

Customer name

Apt #

Product name

Product price


Joseph Anthony


Orange juice



Joseph Anthony


Bread loaf



Yolanda Burns





Yolanda Burns


Candy bar



Frances Jordan





Steve Miller





Cho Lin


Bread loaf



Verified Expert

In the given document there are few question related to to the given case study. To solve these problem we should have proper knowledge of it and we have also discussed about database.

Reference no: EM131289730

Questions Cloud

Determine the volume rate of flow in the film : If the plane has width 10 cm into the paper, determine the volume rate of flow in the film. Suppose that h = 2 cm and the flow rate is 2 L/min.
How would you describe zappos market offering : How would you describe Zappos' market offering?- What is Zappos' value proposition? How does it relate to its market offering?
Explain the roles of market segmentation and differentiation : Explain the roles of market segmentation, market targeting, differentiation, and positioning in implementing an effective marketing strategy.
Summarize the historical beginnings of the juvenile justice : Summarize the historical beginnings of the juvenile justice system. How have U.S. Supreme Court decisions been especially influential in the juvenile courts?
Prioritize your threats based on their risk value : Define who would be included in the assessment of the database environment - Identify the assets that you are protecting and define the threats you are protecting yourself against.
Corruptions perceptions index : Corruptions Perceptions Index. Use the data fromTransparency International ( to compare three countries: One in the top 20, one in the middle of the rankings, and one in the bottom 20. What causes the countries to ear..
Amount of the late filing and late payment penalties : Determine the amount of the late filing and late payment penalties that apply for the following taxpayers.
Compute the return on equity using the dupont system : Calculate Return on Equity (ROE) using the DuPont system. Assess management performance by calculating Economic Value Added (EVA).
Discuss the four marketing management functions : Find two examples from your country illustrating department organization and featuring specific adaptations related to culture or media mix.


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